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Peace, Love and Joy

Mary's Boon is a strange name for a hotel. It's story will nudge the imagination and bring to life the colorful nature of the West Indies, it's people and those who have chosen to make the Caribbean their home.

The Story of Mary's Boon

On July 1st, 1970, Mary’s Boon Beach Plantation was opened by Mary Pomerouy. She was of English descent born of Malt, and her family line purportedly stretched back as far as William the Conqueror.  After World War II, Mary left Europe and settled on the island of Nevis. She had bought an elegant 18th century great house, Nisbeth Plantation, which had an interesting connection to British Naval History. It had been the family home of Fanny Nisbeth, wife of Lord Nelson. Under Mary’s ownership, Nisbett plantation became a guesthouse for travelers. 

Mary’s strong view about the local government ultimately landed her in hot water. On one occasion, from the cockpit of her single engine aircraft, Broomstick, Mary rained down defamatory literature over the Governor’s residence in St. Kitts and then beat a hasty retreat. Shortly after this episode, Mary flew her small aircraft all the way to Montreal, Canada to attend a performance of the Royal ballet and to visit her friend that was the star of the show, Prima ballerina Margot Fonteyn. Whilst Mary was away, the retaliation to her criticism of the government of St. Kitts and Nevis started. Her land in Nevis was seized and placed on auction. Luckiliy, her friend, British barrister Geoffrey Boon, purchased the Nisbett Plantation and the proceeds were held safe for Mary. 

Mary used the proceeds of the sale to create Mary’s Boon on the nearby island of Sint Maarten. The ideal location on a brilliant white sand beach overlooking turquoise waters and with a perfect parking spot for her “Broomstick”.


What became of Mary?

Wondering what became of Mary? On one of their frequent flying trips to St. Croix in 1990, Mary and her plane went missing. She was in her 70's.

Dispite a massive rescue effort in which the U.S. Coastguard, British navy and numerous private fishing vessels and yachts from the virgin islands became involved, Mary was lost forever.

Having made a deep impression on the lives of many in the Caribbean, it is said by staff that it was the only time mary left the island without saying goodbye!

Our Commitment is a Satisfied Customer

Our staff is committed to keep the legacy of Mary high and our standards of the hotel will exceed your expectations!

Withstanding the storms

Through years of hardship and adversity, Mary’s Boon has emerged as a beacon of resilience and strength.

Our unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of our guests and staff, coupled with our dedication to providing exceptional service, has allowed us to weather even the most daunting of storms, and we will continue to exceed expectations in every aspect of our operations.

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